韩国高丽大学Jong Seung Kim教授应邀作“名师讲坛”报告


2024816日上午,韩国高丽大学Jong Seung Kim教授应邀作为南京大学化学化工学院“名师讲坛”嘉宾,为学院师生作了题为“Molecular Engineering for Small Molecules Delivery”的精彩报告。本次报告由化学化工学院副院长张艳教授主持。张艳教授介绍了Jong Seung Kim教授的简历和成就,并向Jong Seung Kim教授颁发了“名师讲坛”纪念铭牌。我院多位教师、学生参加了报告会。

Jong Seung Kim教授本次报告主要介绍了该团队在小分子药物递送领域的研究进展。在报告中,Kim教授展示了临床上利用光动力治疗皮肤癌的视频,概述了光动力治疗的特点与应用。针对光动力治疗在实体瘤应用中的缺陷,Kim教授介绍了其团队将荧光基团与抗癌药物、靶向小分子相结合的设计策略,实现诊断与治疗于一体的Theranostics这一药物化学治疗方法。在报告的最后,Kim教授还生动有趣地向大家宣传韩国文化与风土人情,并积极鼓励大家前往韩国交流。


Jong Seung Kim教授简历:

Jong Seung Kim (Fellow of RSC, Fellow of CCS and Fellow of KAST) received his Ph. D. from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Texas Tech University in 1993. He has worked at University of Houston as a post-doc in 1994. Currently he is a full professor in Department of Chemistry at Korea University in Seoul. He has published over 600 papers in prestigious journals with h-index 116. His research interests are application of organic chemistry in drug delivery and theranostics. He is a Fellow of the Korea Academy of Science and Technology. He has been selected as a 1% Highly Cited Researcher since 2014.