办公地址: 仙林校区化学楼D302
电子邮箱: wuxingca@nju.edu.cn
课题组主页: http://hysz.nju.edu.cn/xcwu/
吴兴才, 教授,博士生导师。1987年毕业于四川大学化学系化学专业,随后在中国科学技术大学应用化学系和中国科学院固体物理研究所获硕士和博士学位。在研究生期间,主要从事新型超导材料合成和功能纳米材料的制备与性能研究。2001年引入南京大学化学化工学院从事科研与教学工作。2010.7-2010.9日本国家材料科学研究院(NIMS)Prof. Y. Bando研究组高级访问学者。2012.9-2013.2 Georgia Institute of Technology 化学与分子工程学院 Prof. Elsa Reichmanis研究组访问教授。主持和参加国家自然科学基金面上项目、重点项目以及科技部“863”与“973”等多项。到目前为止,已在国内外学术期刊上发表论文百余篇。多篇论文被印度化学家C. N. N. Rao引入综述。2011年被Journal of Nanomaterials 和Progress in Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials杂志聘为编委。 课题组主页: http://hysz.nju.edu.cn/xcwu/ 展示全部
2011年至今南京大学化学与化学工程学院教授 2005-2011年南京大学化学与化学工程学院副教授 2001-2005年南京大学化学与化学工程学院讲师 1993-1998年安徽理工大学化学工程学院讲师 展示全部
(1)过渡金属硫属化合物一维纳米结构的制备与相关的物理性能研究,包括场发射、超导电性、场效应晶体管构筑及其光电特性;(2)锂电池、超级电容器、燃料电池电极材料的研制;(3)氧化物/碳介观结构的制备及其在催化和分离科学中的应用;(4)半导体氧化物纳米线的制备与气敏传感器的构筑。(5)稀土上转换纳米晶的制备及其在生物检测中的应用。 学术成果
代表性论文 (1) Wei Wang, Yunlei Zhong, Xinyu Zhang, Sainan Zhu, Yourong Tao, Yanxin Zhang, Hongsen Zhu, Yifei Zhang, Xingcai Wu*, and Guo Hong*,Fe-Modified Co2(OH)3Cl Microspheres for Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction,J. Colloid Interface Sci.,2021,582,803-814. (2) Keying Zhang, Feng Lu, Zheng Cai, Shuting Song, Liping Jiang, Qianhao Min,* Xingcai Wu,* and Jun-Jie Zhu*,Plasmonic Modulation of the Upconversion Luminescence Based on Gold Nanorods for Designing a New Strategy of Sensing MicroRNAs, Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 11795−11801. (3) Wei Wang, Sainan Zhu, Xingliang Chen, Xinyu Zhang, Yourong Tao, Yanxin Zhang, Ruizhi Xiang and Xingcai Wu*,Ag nanoparticles decorated urchin-like cobalt carbonate hydroxide composites for highly efficient oxygen evolution reaction,Nanotechnology,2020, 31, 475402 (12pp). (4) Weiwei Xiong, Ziyi Zhang, Yutao Huang, Chenxin Xu, Jiajing Wu, Lingling Li, Fenfen Zheng,* Wu, Xingcai*, A microwave-assisted template-free route for large-scale synthesis of photoluminescent single crystal CsPbI3 nanotubes, Crystengcomm,2020, 22(4), 623-627. (5) Peng Yan, Huaibo Ye, Yang Han, Jingjing Wang, Fenfen Zheng, Weiwei Xiong,* Hongxun Yang, Junhao Zhang, Aihua Yuan*, Xingcai Wu,* Dual-Templating Approaches to Soybeans Milk-Derived Hierarchically Porous Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Chemistryopen, 2020, 9(5), 582-587. (6) Xiaobing Chen, Zhenhua Li, Yuan Chun*,Fan Yang, Haocheng Xu,and Xingcai Wu*, “Effect of the Formation of Diglycerides/Monoglycerides on the Kinetic Curve in Oil Transesterification with Methanol Catalyzed by Calcium Oxide”,ACS Omega 2020, 5, 4646−4656. (7) Wei Wang, Jin-Qiang Chen, You-Rong Tao, Sai-Nan Zhu, Yan-Xin Zhang, and Xing-Cai Wu*, Flowerlike Ag-supported Ce-doped Mn3O4 nanosheet heterostructure for a highly efficient oxygen reduction reaction: roles of metal oxides in Ag surface states, ACS Catal., 2019, 9, 3498-3510. (8) Keying Zhang, Shuting Song, Lin Yang, Qianhao Min, Xingcai Wu* and Jun-Jie Zhu*, Enhancing intracellular micro RNA imaging: a new strategy combining double-channel exciting single colour fluorescence with the target cycling amplification reaction, Chem. Commun. 2018, 54, 13131. (9) Keying Zhang, Shuting Song, Shan Huang, Lin Yang, Qianhao Min, Xingcai Wu,* Feng Lu,* and Jun-Jie Zhu*, Lighting Up MicroRNA in Living Cells by the Disassembly of Lock-Like DNA-Programmed UCNPs-AuNPs through the Target Cycling Amplification Strategy, Small,2018,14,1802292. (10) Keying Zhang, Lin Yang, Feng Lu, Xingcai Wu,* and Jun-Jie Zhu*,A Universal Upconversion Sensing Platform for the Sensitive Detection of Tumour-Related ncRNA through an Exo III-Assisted Cycling Amplification Strategy, Small, 2018,14,1703858. (11) Jia-Jing Wu, You-Rong Tao, Jia-Nan Wang, Zhong-Yu Wu, Lei Fan and Xing-Cai Wu*, Reverse saturable absorption and nonlinear refraction of ultrathin ZrS3 nanobelts, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 10371. (12) Yourong Tao, Jiajing Wu and Xingcai Wu*, Enhanced ultraviolet-visible light response of phototransistors based on single and a few ZrS3 , Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 14292. (13) You-Rong Tao, Xing-Cai Wu * and Wei-Wei Xiong, Flexible Visible-Light Photodetectors with Broad Photoresponse Based on ZrS3 Nanobelt Films, Small, 2014,10, 4905. (14) Wei-Wei Xiong, Guo-Hai Yang, Xing-Cai Wu*, Jun-Jie Zhu*, Aqueous Synthesis of Color-Tunable CuInS2/ZnS Nanocrystals for the Detection of Human Interleukin 6, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces, 2013,5(16), 8210-8216. (15) Liang Li*, Xiaosheng Fang*, Tianyou Zhai*, Meiyong Liao, Ujjal K. Gautam, Xingcai Wu*, Yasuo Koide, Yoshio Bando, and Dmitri Golberg, Electrical Transport and High-Performance Photoconductivity in Individual ZrS2 Nanobelts, Adv. Mater. 2010, 22, 4151-4156. (16) Xing-Cai Wu*, You-Rong Tao, Qi-Xiu Gao, Chang-Jie Mao, Jun-Jie Zhu, Superconducting TaS2-xIy hierarchical nanostructures, Chem. Commun. 2009, 4290-4292. (17) Xing-Cai Wu*, You-Rong Tao and Qi-Xiu Gao, Fabrication of TaS2 nanobelt arrays and their enhanced field-emission, Chem. Commun. 2009, 6008-6010. (18) Xing-Cai Wu*, You-Rong Tao and Qi-Xiu Gao, Preparation and Field Emission Properties of Titanium Polysulfide Nanobelt Films, Nano Research 2009, 2, 558. (19) Y. L. Zhang, X. C. Wu,* Y. R. Tao, Chang-Jie Mao, and Jun-Jie Zhu, Fabrication and field-emission performance of zirconium disulfide nanobelt arrays, Chem. Commun. 2008, 2683-2685. (20) Xingcai Wu*, Yourong Tao, Changjie Mao, and Jun-Jie Zhu, Synthesis of nitrogen-doped horn-shaped carbon nanotubes by reduction of pentachloropyridine with metallic sodium, Carbon 2007, 45, 2253-2259. 课程名称、上课时间地点
无机化学(II) 综合化学实验 物理化学实验 教学大纲、考试要求